A wide variety of fresh products of high quality.

Our Products

How fresh can you get?

Quality Produce International: what we do is already in the three words of our name. Supplying the highest quality fruit and vegetables to retailers, processors, food service companies and wholesalers. As an exporter of salad and vegetables, we cover a large part of Western Europe, with our own production locations in the Netherlands, Spain and England. We also have partnerships for the import of exotic fruits. With this control on sourcing, security of supply is not under discussion at QPI. How fresh can you get?

More about QPI

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Quality Produce International

QPI offers its customers a wide and complete range of fresh, high-quality products. Every day we offer over 400 different types of products in a wide variety of packaging. The largest product groups are tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, courgettes and aubergines.


As a customer you want to be able to rely on the quality of our produce. As a company with 'Quality' in our name, we take this seriously. That quality is recognizable at a glance, thanks to the three own brands that we grow: Sensation, Magic and Eat Now

Our brands

Kinds of products
kilograms per week
Hectares of own cultivation
Number of countries we export to
Exporter since

Network of own growers

As a major player in the fresh produce business, we have our own cultivation companies



QPI offers its customers a wide and complete range of fresh, high-quality products.

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The entire range meets the most important certification requirements that can be set for fruit and vegetables